We invite you to partner with us financially as we seek to fulfil His call to build a large, influential church in Salisbury.
We have a secure PayPal facility for your convenience and it can be accessed by clicking on the “Donate” button below.
“God loves a cheerful giver”
– 2 Cor 9:7
Tithes and offerings
Give via Payal
Please note, this will take you to the Eagle Rise Paypal account. The donation will still come to Freedom Church.
For those who prefer direct bank transfer:
Tithes & Offerings
BSB 035-047
Account No 397316
Name C3 Salisbury
Please make sure you add a reference indicating what it is for (e.g. tithe, bookstore or event name)
This facility can also be used to make non tax deductible gifts to our Vision Builders.